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circular economy

We think and act in the spirit of the circular economy and only use renewable, recycled and/or biodegradable raw materials.
Circular economy means much more than recycling. It describes a new approach to the design and use of products and, more generally, a new way of thinking about our economic activity.


The goal is a closed system that minimizes the use of resource inputs and the generation of waste, pollution and CO2 emissions. All 'waste' is intended to be recycled and used as 'nutrient' or 'input' for another process: either as a by-product, recovered raw material or as a regenerative resource for nature (e.g. compost).​

Recycling is one of the biggest challenges for textiles. Currently, only 1% of all garments are recycled into new clothing. 1%!!​


For decades, clothing has been optimized so that it can be manufactured as efficiently as possible. This has meant that recycling has been neglected and today's clothing is composed of a colorful mix of materials. If products are made of different materials, they first have to be laboriously separated from one another during recycling. With the result that only about 1% of all clothing is recycled into new clothing!


In the circular economy model, a distinction is made between the biological and technical cycles. In the biological cycle, food and biologically based materials (e.g. natural fibers) are designed to be returned to the system through biodegradation. These cycles regenerate living systems like soil, which in turn provide renewable resources for the economy. Technical cycles serve to recover and restore products, components and materials through reuse, repair, refurbishment or recycling.

"Circular economy describes a new approach to the design and development of products and generally a new way of thinking about our economic activity."

What do we do for this?

From the selection of the raw material, product design, processing to the end of a product - everything is considered. The following principles are central:

Renewable and environmentally friendly raw materials that are faster and non -toxicly biodegradable.

Pure materials (monomaterial) and sensibly separable material combinations. Unnecessary material mixes and contaminants are avoided to ensure recyclability.


Whenever possible and functionally, we rely on a monomaterial concept: All components-from fabrics to details such as sewing thread or washing label-consist of one and the same raw material. This makes us pioneers in certain segments. If a monomaterial construction does not make sense, we combine materials that can be recycled as easily as possible and in any case can be biodegradable as possible.


Should one of our products ever end up in nature, it must have as little impact on flora and fauna as possible. Therefore, when selecting raw materials, we ensure that they can degrade as quickly as possible and with the least possible impact on the environment.​